Your Total Office Furniture Solution — 02 9818 4200

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What’s the cost to your organisation of poor communication ?

Better communication = Better business

It starts with just one idea. When you write that idea onto a whiteboard... it becomes something different.

Something visible. Something tangible. The idea now has a life … something that can change things for the better. Be it in business or education. Whiteboards are essential instruments that ...

Turn ideas … into action

 Equip is delighted to announce some major enhancements to our magnetic whiteboard range. Our whiteboards, corkboards, pinboards and feltboards are all made with Bioboard backing which is 100% environmentally friendly, 100% natural biomass and 100% biodegradable.

What is Bioboard ?

Bioboard is a 100% environment friendly backing board used on all our whiteboard, cork and noticeboards.  It's made from agricultural biomass .. which includes sugar, rice, wheat stalks and plantation poplar trees. No toxic glues or carcinogenic formaldehyde are used .. and Bioboard is 100% biodegradable.  Plus because the biomass is used and no longer burnt-.. carbon emissions are substantially reduced. 


  • Aesthetic European design.
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Bioboard® design and manufacturing process.
  • No harmful chemicals used in manufacture of Bioboard® from plantation poplar trees, as opposed to MDF and other whiteboards.
  • No harmful chemicals used in any stage of assembly or manufacturing.
  • 8 Year Warranty


  • Corners feature concealed wall fixing.
  • Corners have 2 colour cover caps.
  • Slide on aluminium pen shelf.
  • ‘Smooth’n’Hard’ writing surface is magnetic and guaranteed for 8 years.
  • Custom sizes can also be manufactured

Available sizes

  • 600 x 450mm
  • 900 x 600mm
  • 900 x 900mm
  • 1200 x 900mm
  • 1200 x 1200mm
  • 1500 x 1200mm
  • 1800 x 900mm
  • 1800 x 1200mm
  • 2400 x 1200mm
  • 3000 x 1200mm
  • Custom Sizes By Request


The Equip Office Furniture Price Guarantee

At Equip we bring together a wide ranging portfolio of the best Australian Brands supported by a selection of International products. We pride ourselves on our superior levels of service, range, product warranties and after sales care. But we also take great care to ensure our prices are competitive and represent excellent value for money. We set our prices against our competitors and keep regular checks on what's happening in the marketplace.

Of course, we appreciate you may want to shop around and look for the best possible price. That's why we offer the Equip Price Guarantee. If by chance you find the price for an identical item is cheaper elsewhere, we will match it. Simply notify us, and after we have verified the lower price, we will reduce our price to match it.

That's our Price Guarantee. And that's why it costs no more to enjoy Equip's superior service

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